Marleen Jansen started working, in line with her interest for Genomics and Health Technology Assessment, at the Institute for Public Health Genomics in January 2013 after graduating from Maastricht University. During her bachelor Health Sciences (VU University, Amsterdam) and the Health Sciences Research master, she gained knowledge in these fields and in her master she combined the two research areas. This resulted in a scenario study to assess the future expectations of genome analysis applications in health care. Beside her studies and shortly after graduating, she worked as a research assistant (department Complex Genetics) and as a tutor for statistics.
As a junior researcher, Marleen works within the field of Personalized Medicine. This practically translates into two research areas: implementation research in the context of subfertility; studying the possibility of improving the diagnosis of infertility by adding genetic information and research focussed on policy in the area of genome-based technology; studying future expectations of genomics and their implications on health care policy and guidelines. Within the latter Marleen focusses on newborn screening.
Her main goal in research is trying to see from different levels of implementation (clinical–policy), in what way we can translate genetic information in a responsible way to maximize our gain in health. Besides her research activities she is also involved in educational activities, mainly for the bachelor Health Sciences.