Henk van Kranen, PhD was trained as a molecular biologist at Leiden University (prof. Van der Eb) and earned his PhD at the Medical Faculty of Utrecht University (prof. J.L. Bos) with a thesis entitled ‘Genetic alterations in chemically induced gastro-intestinal tumors and UVB-induced skin tumors of rodents’. In particular causality of anti-carcinogenic compounds as suggested from epidemiological studies, was tested in a variety of chemically induced as well as genetically modified murine models. He has published around 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
In the postdoctoral years, amongst others, he expanded his activities in cancer research from experimental animal work to genetic epidemiology and contributed to WCRF’s 2007 report as a cancer biologist. More recently he became involved as an editor and advisor in genomics, with special emphasis on nutrigenomics and public health genomics.
Henk van Kranen is trying to contribute to the further connection of public health genomics research towards RIVM mediated health policy support for the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport. At present two topics are explored:
- Contributing to policy reports for ZonMw (Van de Berg & Van Kranen, RIVM report 270524001/2013, Public health genomics: ‘Wat zijn de kansen voor preventie?’) and RIVM’s Public Health Forecasting report 2014 in preparation.
- Investigate whether genomics knowledge of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) about susceptibility and interactions with drugs and food may contribute to a more personalized approach of prevention and treatment of T2DM as part of a research progam of TNO called P4 diabetes clinic.
- Try to connect the international networking power of IPHG (Angela Brand) on Rare Disesases with strategic future plans at RIVM to coordinate information in this field. More specific, how to connect present basic information and forthcoming diagnostic data from NGS platforms at clinical genetics centers with maximum support of international/European activities and networks.