The eleventh Annual Amsterdam Chlamydia Meeting (AACM) will be held on Friday February 5th 2016.
As in the previous years we will have presentations of keynote speakers as well as PhD students on Chlamydia infections, epidemiology, diagnostics and research. This year the key note lecture will be given by Prof. Patrick Bavoil (University of Maryland, Baltimore; Editor-in-Chief of Pathogen and Disease), entitled: “The Yin Yang of Chlamydial Biology”.
New this year will be that we will organize 10 3-minute pitches for students, PhD students, and staff to briefly present new research. Furthermore, oral presenters of the AACM and of the 14th German Chlamydia Workshop (GCW) will be given the opportunity to submit their work to a special Chlamydia issue in Pathogens and Disease, which will be published in 2016.

This year we will also present a €500 prize for the best PhD student presentation.

At our website you will find the program, meeting information , and the registration page. The registration will be activated soon.
If you wish to attend please register at the website. Registration is required for attending. As in previous years, the registration is free of charge. Please also indicate whether you wish to join us for drinks after the meeting and the meeting diner. This year we ask a small fee (€15) to be paid at the registration desk for attending the meeting diner. We have requested accreditation for the meeting.

Please forward this information to your colleagues who might be interested.

We hope to see you all on Friday February 5th.


Yours sincerely,

Servaas & Sander
The Organisers.